Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How it all began...

I love food. I actually don't think there is one food I absolutely refuse to eat. Of course there I things I don't prefer, but overall I will try anything. And I used to call myself a writer some years ago, before my life became centered around wiping noses and PTA meetings. A couple of years ago I reconnected with my boss from the very first job I had out of college. I had been doing the stay-at-home thing for about a year at the time. In a message to me she commented that she hoped I was still writing at least a little each day. I was not. In fact, I couldn't remember the last time I had written anything. I began to toy with the idea of blogging. Problem was, I had no idea what to blog ABOUT. "Write about kids or food," everyone suggested. But what about them? There are thousands of writers with much more talent than I (and much more knowledge on both subjects!) already writing about these things. Then this spring, after much begging and pleading, I finally convinced my husband to join a CSA. Oh the excitement of receiving a weekly bag of local produce that could actually ripen on the vine as opposed to being picked prematurely, then shipped across the country before being blasted with gas to "ripen" it for sale. Even better, the "share" we were purchasing wasn't just from one farm, but it pulled products from over 70 local farms and included produce, meats, dairy, and other food goods. As I spread the news to family and friends about my excitement, I was often met with blank stares and questions such as, "What do you do if you get 5 heads of lettuce in one week?" Or, "How the heck do you cook (insert weird vegetable here)?" I also found a number of people buying a share in the same CSA wanting me to share my recipes and ideas with them. The light bulb finally went off.  For the next 22 weeks I will share with all of you what the heck I actually do with my weekly "share." The good, the bad, and the ugly. The goal is to use it all, NO WASTE. Some of the recipes I will pull from other sources, and some I will create on my own. During this time I will also be introducing my now five-month-old to solids (and of course I will make all of his food), so I am sure that will creep into some of my posts as well. And I must give a shout out to my very clever friend Anna (who is also one of those much more talented writers) for creating the name of this blog.  Because, really, what do you do when the share hands you rutabagas? At the end of 22 weeks, who knows? Maybe I'll find a reason to keep blogging... Pin It

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