I'm back! At least, I hope so. At the end of last summer I faded away without notice; No CSA wrap up, no goodbye. I got busy; I missed a week, then two. Essentially, I gave up. As this year's CSA season approached, however, a number of people who followed this blog last year started contacting me asking if I was going to blog about the experience again. And I'm happy to say that I seem to have convinced quite a few people to join a CSA for the first time. My life is no less crazy than it was last fall - Jack is now 18 months old and quite a handful, Steven is four and busy with activities, and we are expecting baby number three in October - but I'm going to give this blog another go. As usual, I plan to share ideas for each week's bag contents, links to recipes (I am obsessed with Pinterest and have spent the past few months discovering new recipes & blogs), and my own original recipes. The site is currently under construction as I try to finalize a design I can live with, and I hope to include pictures with my recipes. Disclaimer: I am not a photographer. I own a point and shoot camera that I rarely use and regularly rely on my iPhone to take pictures of my children at important events.
All this being said, I am a week late in getting started. I received my first bag of the season last Wednesday (Again we chose to subscribe to the large omnivore package) and none of it went to waste.
Small bag contents:
-1 whole pasture raised chicken
-1 bulb kohlrabi
-1 bunch collard greens
-1 quart strawberries
-1 bunch Russian red kale
-1 bunch garlic scapes
-1 head green leaf lettuce
-1 bunch radishes
-1 quarter lb bag pea tendrils
Large bag additions:
-2 bunches spinach
-1 lb shelled peas
-1 head broccoli
-1 lb sweet pea & basil pasta
Tomorrow is delivery day again, so tonight I'll be working on my meal plan and searching for recipe ideas to share with you. I know I'm receiving some of my favorite items (black beans!), so I'm excited to get started. And, as always, feel free to share your ideas with me!
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